3 Generations of the Descendants of Derk Osenga
1. Derk Osenga-1[1].
Lottie Rypkema[1].
Derk Osenga and Lottie Rypkema married. They had the following children:
2. i. Charles Osenga[2] was born on 04 Feb 1892 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois[1, 2]. He
married Anne Bernadine de Jong on 17 Jun 1916[2]. He died on 24 Jun 1966 in Grand
Rapids, Michigan[2].
Generation 2
2. Charles Osenga-2 (Derk-1)[2] was born on 04 Feb 1892 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois[1, 2]. He died
on 24 Jun 1966 in Grand Rapids, Michigan[2].
Notes for Charles Osenga:
General Notes:
Obituary Grand Rapids Press June 25, 1966
Charles Osenga, aged 74 of 2525 McKee SW. passed away Friday evening a t Butterworth Hospital.
Surviving are his wife Anna B. two sons and s ix daughters. Bernard R. of Wyoming , Donald C. of
Bay City, Mrs. Ell sworth (Adeline) Raatz, Mrs. Gilbert (Charlotte) Flanders, Mrs. James (Nancy)
Brinks, Mrs. Richard (Harriette) Hoffman, all of Grand Rapids , Mrs. Russell (Lucille) Sytsema, Mrs.
Daniel (Martha) Derogee, both o f Wyoming, three brothers and five sisters. Robert of Hebron, IN.,
Ge rrit of Burbonais, Ill., Edward of Lake Odessa, Mrs. Herman Mulder of Wyoming, Mrs. Gerrit
Slachter of Grandville, Mrs. John Barwagon of St . Ann, Ill., Mrs. Neil Stroo and Mrs. Anton Vrolyk,
both of Wickert, I ll. and 22 grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Osenga celebrated their Golde n wedding
anniversary on June 17. Mr. Osenga will repose at the Eggebe en Funeral Home, 330 Eastern Ave.
SE, where the family will receive th eir friends Saturday from 4 to 9 and Sunday from 2 to 5 and 7 to
9. F uneral services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. In the chapel of the Calvary
Undenominational Church, 426 Michigan Nevada. His past or the Rev. Henry Broersma officiating.
Burial in Rosedale Memorial P ark.
Anne Bernadine de Jong daughter of Berend Hanzes de Jong and Japke Sybesma[3, 4] was born on
01 Sep 1893 in Grand Rapids, Michigan[3, 5]. She died on 07 Aug 1966 in Grand Rapids, Michigan[2].
Notes for Anne Bernadine de Jong:
General Notes:
According to Lucille Osenga Sytsema her grandmother lived about a bloc k away from Anna and
Charles. She said her Mother died of a broken he art after her Father died. She said she never
wanted to be a widow.
Grand Rapids Press Obituary Monday August 8, 1966
Mrs. Anna Osenga, aged 72, of 2525 McKee SW, widow of Charles Osenga w ho died June 24, 1966
passed away unexpectedly Sunday evening at Butte rworth Hospital. Surviving are two sons and six
daughters. Bernard R . of Wyoming City, Donald C. of Bay City, Mrs. Ellsworth (Adeline) Raa tz, Mrs.
Gilbert (Charlotte) Flanders, Mrs. James (Nancy) Brinks, Mrs . Richard (Harriette) Hoffman, all of
Grand Rapids, Mrs. Russell (Luc ille) Sytsema, Mrs. Daniel (Martha) Derogee, both of Wyoming; one
brot her Harry B. DeJong of Grand Rapids and 22 grandchildren. Mrs. Oseng a was a member of
Calvary Undenominational Church. Funeral services w ill be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock
in the chapel of Calvary Church, the Rev. John L. Miles officiating. Burial at Rosedale Memoria l Park.
Mrs. Osenga will repose at the Eggebeen Funeral Home, 330 Eas tern Ave. SE till 10 o’clock
Wednesday morning. The family will be a t the funeral home Monday evening from 7 to 9 and
Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
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3 Generations of Descendants of Derk Osenga
Generation 2 (con’t)
Charles Osenga and Anne Bernadine de Jong were married on 17 Jun 1916[2]. They had the following
i. Bernard R. Osenga.
ii. Adeline Osenga.
iii. Donald C. Osenga.
iv. Charlotte A. Osenga.
v. Harriette J. Osenga.
vi. Nancy Osenga.
vii. Lucille Osenga.
viii. Martha Osenga.
1 Social Security Card Application.
2 Grand Rapids Herald.
3 1900 Census.
4 Lucille Osenga.
5 Death Certificate.