Daniel Dean Legal and Land Records

1756 – 1777
(note: Daniel Dean was in many lawsuits and bought and sold many pieces of property that are not listed below – ld)

About 1756
James Hill is appointed surveyor of the road from the Cow Ford on Banister River to Blands Road…Robert Wooding & his hands, Daniel Dean, … keep the same in repair…
Plea Book 2, Halifax County, Virginia 1755 – 1758 p. 84

1 March 1758, p. 400
John Burk of Halifax Co, to Saml. Harris of same, for pounds 16, 112 acres ….
Wit: Robt. Wade, Jr, Alexr. Irwin, Jno. Herring, Larkin Johnston, Danl. Dean, Marget Boyd
Recorded 16 March 1758
Halifax County, Virginia
Deed Book 1, 1752 – 1759 p.15

1 March 1758
p. 400
John Burk of Halifax County, to Samuel Harris of same, for pound 16, 112 acres on both side of Cane Creek, beginning at his upper corner white oak thence north, Byrd’s line. All houses, gardens, watercourses, etc.
Signed: John Burk
Wit: Robert Wade, Jr., Alexr. Irwin, Jno. Herring, Larkin Johnston, Danl. Dean, Marget Boyd.
Recorded 16 March 1758
Source: Halifax County, Virginia Deed Book 1 1752-1759 p.36

February Court 1760
Page 30
Thomas Hope, Plt, vs. Daniel Dean, Deft. Deft on an attachment against deft’s estate. Attachment dismissed and judgment for Deft for his costs.
Halifax County Plea Book 3, 1760

February Court 1760
Page 30
William Satterwhite, Plt, vs Daniel Dean, Deft. Deft on an attachment against deft’s estate. Attachment dismissed and judgment for Deft for his costs.
Halifax County Plea Book 3, 1760

May Court 1760
p. 68
William Stokes, plt, vs Daniel Dean, Deft. On an attachment against Deft’s estate. George Boyd, one of the Garnishees, says that he has no estate of sd Deft. Clement Read Jr, the other garnishee, says that he has, due to Deft, 15 shillings and 56 lbs of tobacco. This day came the Plt by Clement Read Jr, his atty, and the Deft not appearing to replevy, the Plt produced Deft’s bill for 26 pounds 13 shillings and 10 pence half penny. Judgment for Plt for the afd sums, but to be discharged by the payment of half of the afd sum with interest from Jan 2, 1760. (p.69) It is further ordered that the Sheriff sell a bay horse of Deft’s estate (which the Sheriff returned attached).
Halifax County Plea Book 3, 1760

August Court 1760
Page 130
Daniel Dean, Plt, vs James Blevins, Deft. In Debt. William Blevins becomes special bail for Deft.
Halifax County Plea Book 3, 1760

August Court 1760
Page 133
Daniel Dean, Plt, vs William Blavins, Deft. On a petition. Plt failing to prove his demand against deft, suit dismissed.
Halifax County Plea Book 3, 1760

August Court 1760
Page 133
Daniel Dean, Plt, vs Philip Miller, Deft. On a petition. Plt failing to prove his demand against deft, suit dismissed.
Halifax County Plea Book 3, 1760

August Court 1760
Page 133
Daniel Dean, Plt, vs Daniel Blavins, Deft. On a petition. Plt failing to prove his demand against deft, suit dismissed.
Halifax County Plea Book 3, 1760

February Court 1762
Page 409
Richard Austin, Plt, vs Daniel Dean, Deft, In Debt. This day came the Plt by Paul Carrington, his atty, and Deft come not. Judgment for Plt for 9 pounds 15 shillings, the debt in the declaration mentioned.
Halifax County Plea Book 1762

May 1762
Wm. Wright enters the vacant land between the lines of Benjamin Dickson, Daniel Dean, George Currie, Richard Jones and Ambrous Haley not exceeding 400 acres.
Source: Entry Record Book 1737-1770 (Land entries in the present Virginia Counties of Halifax, Pittsylvania, Henry, Franklin, and Patrick) p. 287

7 March 1764
p. 46
William Byrd of Charles City Co. to Daniel Deen of Halifax Co., for 30s, 9,000 acres, being the whole remainder of that tract of land known by name of the Habelah (sic) tract, Vitzt. All that is not sold… David Caldwell who is empowered to act for sd William Byrd by power of attorney…
Signed: W. Byrd
No Wit.
Recorded 15 March 1764
Halifax County, Virginia, Deed Books 2,3,4,5 & 6, 1579 – 1767, p. 107

16 June 1764
p. 110
Daniel Dean of Halifax Co. to Edward Wade of same, for pound 3, 175 acres on the south side of Dan River beg. At Margaret Armstrong’s cor. Thence north…Gains’ line…Hampton Wake’s pine…William Stokes’ line… All estate, right, interest…
Signed: Daniel (2) Dean
Wit: Moses Terry, William Stokes, W. Wade
Recorded 21 June 1764
Halifax County, Virginia, Deed Books 2,3,4,5 & 6, 1579 – 1767, p. 116

18 June 1765
p. 406
Daniel Dean of Halifax Co. to John London of same, for 40 pounds, 100 acres on the upper side of Hico River on both sides of Hilly Dr., beg. At Samuel Griffin’s cor. On the bank of Rico thence north…
Signed: Daniel (2) Dean
Wit: Hampton Wade, William Stokes, Edward Wade
Recorded 20 June 1765
6 November 1764, p. 402
Halifax County, Virginia, Deed Books 2,3,4,5 & 6, 1579 – 1767, p. 137

18 Sept 1765
p. 492
Daniel Dean of Halifax Co. to Peter Moss of same, for pound 8, 245 acres on the waters of Hico, beg. at William Wright’s cor. Thence along John Whitt’s line…Jones’ cor…Gains’ line… All trees, woods, ways..
Signed: Daniel (2) Dean
Wit: William Stokes, David Lawson, John Lawson
Recorded 19 Sept 1765
Memo: Livery of Sizen of land delivered by sd Daniel Dean to within John Gordon…
Halifax County, Virginia, Deed Books 2,3,4,5 & 6, 1579 – 1767, p. 144

18 Sept 1765
p. 492
Daniel Dean of Halifax Co. to John Gordon of same, for pound 30, 630 acres on both sides of Evans Cr., beg. At John Turner’s cor…William Evans’ line, thence north… All trees, woods, ways…
Signed: Daniel (2) Dean
Wit: William Stokes, David Lawson, John Lawson
Recorded 19 September 1765
Halifax County, Virginia, Deed Books 2,3,4,5 & 6, 1579 – 1767, p. 144

August Court – 1767
Page 490
A deed from Daniel Dean to James Watts was proved by the oaths of 3 of the witnesses, and OR.
Halifax County, Virginia, Court Orders 1766 – 1767 (Pleas Book No. 5, Part 2)

April Court – 770
Page 486
A deed from Daniel Dean to William Morris was proved by the oaths of two the witnesses and ordered to be certified.
Halifax County, Virginia Court Orders 1767 – 1770 (Plea Book No. 6)

16 October 1777
198 John Crider – Inventory & Appraisement
Among items mentioned …
Among the purchasers named: Elizabeth Parker, George Wiley, Daniel Dean, ….
Returned 16 October 1777 O.R.
Halifax County, Virginia Will Book One 1773 – 1783