I think it is important to note that Samuel James Sr.’s’ Land entry on May 19, 1778 included Samuel’s improvement. Consequently he had to have been living there for over a year to file a claim. This would put his coming to Orange County in 1776 or 1777. This corresponds with the story that Samuel James’ parents left Massachusetts around 1775 or 1776. This would have given them time to travel to Orange County, find property, build a structure to live in and live there long enough to homestead the property. I don’t think they would have been able to spend time in Pennsylvania or Virginia on the way.

The fact that Solomon James entered a land grant with an improvement reinforces that fact he came to Orange County the same time as Samuel James. In addition Nov. 5, 1789 John Strader entered 200 ac in Orange Co on waters of Alamance Cr; border: Saml James, Solomon James, Hardin Perkins, & Robt McColly; warrant issued Nov 20, 1789. Samuel and Solomon lived next door to each other.

Below is a map of Travis, Dry, Tickle Creek and the Little Alamance Creek. You can hyperlink to the colored version for these creeks. The area Samuel James lived in is now part of the towns of Burlington, Gibsonville and Elon. Mainly in the Elon area.


For pictures of this area from my 2006 trip.

I have included all the references I can find to Samuel James in the legal documents of Orange County. I have bolded the year and the area. Unfortunately I can’t tell which are Samuel Sr. and Samuel Jr. Just a reminder that Traveses Creek is correctly spelled Travis Creek. In looking at the documents Samuel buys the following property

1778 200 Acres Travis Creek

1778 75 Acres Travis Creek For a total of 275 acres

Then in 1780 he sold 75 acres to Suffia Kiddle so the land he owns is 200 acres.

I think we can assume this is Samuel Sr. who enters into these transactions.

Samuel Senior’s land entries – Orange County, North Carolina

Land Grant Records of North Carolina Volume I Orange County 1752 – 1885. Page 23. 1030 James Samuel, Grant #134 Entry# 268 Entry Date 14 Aug 1778 Issue Date 3 Sept 1779 Book 40 page 377 Acres 240 Traveses Creek and 1030 James Samuel, Grant #104 Entry# 390 Entry Date 10 Oct 1778 Issue Date 3 Sept 1779 Book 40 page 347 Acres 75 W side Traveses Creek.

Orange Co, NC Land Entries 1778-1795. 268. May 19, 1778 Saml James enters 240 [written over 200] ac on S side of Haw River; border: on N by Mordecai Gwin and on boh sides of Travers’s Cr; includes his improvement; warrant issued Aug. 14. 1778. and 390 Jul 4, 1778 Saml James enters 100 ac in Orange Co on W side of Travers Cr of Haw R; border: the claims of Tho Sharp, John Gooduer, John Cable, & Tho White; warrant issued Oct. 10, 1778. and page 99 391. July 4 1778 John Hutson enters 300 ac in Orange Co on S side of Haw R and on both sides of Dry Cr of said river; border: the claims of Saml James, Tho White, & “others”; includes 3 improvements he purchased from Ann Delap [si], Tho White, & Saml Osburn; warrant issued Oct 10, 1778. and p. 64 688 page 192 Sept 30, 1778 Thomas White enters 200 ac in Orange Co on E side of Traves’s Cr of Haw R; border; the claims of Tho Sharp, Saml Jones [sic James] John Henderson, James Osborn, & Anty Cable and McCulloch’s line; includes his improvement; warrant issued Jan 12, 1779. and 1314. Aug 12, 1780 Thomas Mulhollan enters 640 ac in Orange Co on waters of Little Allemance Cr; border: Saml James an “others”. p. 104 page 128 1124 May 17, 1779 James Findly enters 200 ac in Orange Co on side of Haw R and N fork of Little Allamance Cr; border: Saml James and Wm Philips; includes Slarte Meadow; warrant issue Dec 18 1779.


p. 107 1155 Jul 8, 1779 Wm Phllips, son of Benjamin enters 100 ac in Orange Co on S side of Haw R and head of Little Allamance Cr; border: Saml James and Michael Hilean; warrant issued Dec. 21, 1779. And p. 111 1214. Dec 6, 1779 George Holt enters 250 ac in Orange Co on Eagle Run of Haw R.: border: his other entry, Jacob Holt, & Saml James; warrant issued July 10, 1781. and p. 112 1216 Dec. 17, 1779 Benj Rainey enters 200 ac in Orange Co on the branches of Haw R; border; Peter Brantlay [sic], Saml James, & Christy Rich; includes part of Stake Meadows; warrant issued Jul. 10. 1781. and p. 144 1621 (283). Nov. 5, 1789 John Strader enters 200 ac in Orange Co on waters of Allamance Cr; border: Saml James, Solomon James, Hardin Perkins, & Robt McColly; warrant issued Nov 20, 1789.

Orange County Records, Volume IX State Land Grants 1 – 500, p. 14. 60. entered 17 June 1778, issued 3 Sept 1779, entry no. 173, Benjamin Rainey, entered for 320 acres, issued for 320 1/2 acres, Beginning at a Hickory Saplin at or near a Corner of an Old Tract of William Rainy’s … , surveyed October 7th 1778 by James Smith D. Sur. for Maj. Thos. Taylor, Saml James & Jas. Findly SCC, on the waters of the great Branch a Branch of Haw River Bounded by the land of John Albright and William Rainey for Compliment. and p. 32. 133, 40:375, entered 10 Oct 1778, issued 3 Sept 1779, entry no. 391, John Hutson 300 acres,…surveyed October 20th 1778 by James Smith D. Sur for Maj. Thos Taylor, Jesse Phillips & Saml Osburn SCC, on the South Side of Haw River and on both sides of Dry Creek a branch of said River, Bounded on the Claims of Samuel James, Thos White & others including three improvements which he purchased from Ann Delap, Thomas White & Saml Osborn. and p. 33, 134, 40:377, entered 17 Aug 1778, issued 3 Sept 1779, entry no. 268, Samuel James, 240 acres, a tract of Land lying on Travises Creek a branch of Haw River Beginning at a Red oak Standing on the low Ground of Haw River between Sd River & Travises Creek Supposed to be in Givins line Running thence South Crossing Said Creek Sixty two Chains & a half to a Red oak Thence West Sixteen chains to a black Jack Thence South five Chains & a half to a white oak Thence West Seventeen Chains to a Red oak Thence North twelve Chains & a half to a black Jack Thence West five Chains to a white oak Thence North thirteen Chains & a half to a red oak Thence East one Chain to a black oak Thence North Twenty Six Chains to a Red oak Thence West Crossing the Sd Creek Eight Chains to a white oak Givens Corner Thence North Eighty Two degrees East forty Six Chains to the beginning, Containing Two hundred and forty acres, surveyed October 29th 1778 by James Smith D. S. for Maj. Thos Taylor, Jesse Philips & Saml Osburn SCC, on the south side of Haw River Bounded on the north by land of Mordecai Grim; on both sides of Traveses Creek, including his improvement.


p. 38 150, 40:393, entered 10 Oct 1778, issued 3 Sept 1779, entry no. 303, Samuel Osburn, 300 acres, a Track of land lying on the head waters of Dry Creek & Little Allamance both the Waters of Haw River, … , surveyed October 21st 1778 by James Smith D.S. for Maj. Thos. Taylor, Jose Philips & Sm James SCC, on the waters of dry Creek a branch of Haw River, Bounded by the Claims of James Orsborn, John Hartley, John Hutson, and others including his Improvement. and p. 57 223, 32:371, entered 20 June 1778, issued 13 Mar 1780, entry no. 177, Benjamin Raney, 100 acres, Bounded on the North and West by Haw River and on the South and East By his own Land. …surveyed April 4th 1779 by John Harrington DeSur, Samuel James & James Finley SCC, on the South side of Haw River, Bunding on the River a place called the Bent, Running for Compliment. and p. 102 405, 42:37, entered 29 April 1779, issued 13 March 1780, entry no. 482 Benjamin Raney, 80 acres …, surveyed April 29 177? by John Harrington, Samuel James & James Finley SCC, on the waters of the little Allamence Bounded on the north and East by land of Wm Rainey on the west by land of George Holt and on the South by land of John Powell including an old schoolhouse.

Orange County Records, Volume X State Land Grants 501 – 1000. p. 37 637 57:81, entered June 1 1781, issued Nov 9 1784, entry no 635, Thomas Mulhollan, 400 acre….. surveyed the 12th of June 1783 by Thos Mulhollan, Saml. James & Wm Ewing SCC. On the South by McCullochs Line & on the West by land of Lodwick Albright including the improvement where John Davis and William Jackson formerly did live. and p. 55 710, 57:110, entered Dec 18 1779, issued Nov 9 1784, entry no 1124, James Findley, entered for 200 acres, issued for 210 acres. …On the south side of Haw River on the north fork of the little Allamance adjoining the land of Samuel James & William Phillips including the Slate Meadow. and p. 73 779, 57:143, entered Aug 4 1779, issued Nov 9 1784, entry no 774, Chamberlin Hutson, entered for 250 acres, issued for 245 acres. … On the South side of Haw River Bounded on the North by Said River on the west by land of Samuel James and by land of John Hutson & Jesse Phillips on the South including the improvement where Samuel James now lives.


p. 84 819, 69:206, entered 10 June 1781, issued 21 Sept 1785, entry no 1282, John Butler, 400 acres. Beginning at a Red Oak & Running thence North with a line of Marked Trees Eighty four Ch to a Red oak then west Thirty Ch to a post oak thence South Ten ch to a Red Oak thence West Twenty Ch to a Red oak thence South Seventy four Ch to a White oak thence East fifty Ch to the first Station. Surveyed 12th of July 1784 Benja Rainey DS, Sam James & John Cable SCC. On the Water of the Little Allemance including a Meadow known by the Name of Dry meadow, survey reads, “on on waters of Traveses Creek of Haw River.”

Orange County Records, Vol VIII, Deed Book 5, Abstracts p. 21 p. 83, 3 September 1779 North Carolina to John Hutson [no consideration given], 300 acres on Dry Cr., a branch of Haw R., begin .. to a red oak Samuel James’ cor., … signed Rd. Caswell; witness: J. Glasgow.

Orange County Records, Vol II, Deed Books 1 & 2 Abstracts. p. 144, 26 February 1780, Samuel James of Orange to Suffia Kidle, sixty pounds, 75 acres, on S side of Haw R. on Travers Cr., begin at a dogwood on W side of creek cor. of Thomas Sharp, along his line W 12 ch. to a black jack, N 5 ch. to a post oak, W 15 ch. to a stake, leaving Sharp’s line S 3 1/2 ch. to a white oak, W 5 1/2 ch. to a post oak, S crossing Heinberlands Cr. 30 ch. to a red oak, W 16 1/2 ch. to a hickory, N45E 11 ch. to Travers Cr., down creek to beginning, purchased by James from the State; signed Samuel (X) James; witness; William Rainey; proved by Rainey May Term 1780

Orange County, North Carolina Court Minutes 1752 – 1761 Book 1. [1222] -88-folio 44 May Term 1780. Td. The Execution of a Deed from Samuel James to Suffia Kidle was duly proved in Open Court by the Oath of Wm. Rainey for seventy five acres of Land, and Ordered to be registered.


Orange County Records, Vol IV, Deed Book 4 Abstracts p. 33. p. 213, 20 Dec 1786, Thomas White of North Carolina [no county given] to Daniel Huffins of Orange, fifty pounds, 183 acres, on E side of Travises Cr., …to a hicory near Sharp’s & James’ cor., signed: Thomas (T) White; witness: John Huston, James Robison, Samuel James; proved by Huston [no probate date given].

Book Two Orange County, NC Marriage Bonds. D – J Groom Bride Date of Bond Bondsman

James, Solomon ? ? ? 15 June 1785 —- —-

James, Thomas – Mariam Underwood 4 July 1787 Samuel James

Samuel Jr.’s land entries – Orange County, North Carolina

Then in September 1796 George Charles sold 150 acres to Conrod Farmer and the deed was delivered by Samuel James. I am assuming that this was Samuel Jr. In 1796 Samuel Jr. would have been 22.

In the 1790 census only Solomon and Abner James show up living in Orange County, North Carolina (Alamance County wasn’t formed until 1849) I believe Samuel Sr. was dead by 1790. Samuel Jr. probably wouldn’t have shown up in the census since he would have only been 16 in 1790. So he was probably living with Solomon or Abner James, who are the only two Jameses showing up in Orange County in 1790 and they are on the same page of the census so I am assuming they are living next door to each other. So I am assuming all legal transactions done after 1790 were done by Samuel Jr.

Then in October of 1796 Samuel James sold to George Charles 300 acres on the Dry Creek and Little Alamance River for 80 pounds. I believe this was his inheritance. Also Samuel Sr. must have bought some additional land along the way in order for Samuel Jr. to have sold 300 acres.

Than in 1798 Michael Charles sold to Samuel James 123 acres for 80 pounds. Was the 80 pounds coincidental? Was his a wedding present to Samuel. I have no proof, but believe it was. This was about the time Samuel and Sarah got married.

Finally, in 1801 Samuel James sells to Abner James 120 3/4 acres for 100 pounds. As will be discussed later it is unlikely that Samuel and Abner were related, but they could have been close since they lived in the same area. I also believe that Samuel’s son Abner was named after this Abner James.

The last land entry for Samuel James in Orange County is in 1801. This is about the time he and George Charles move to Ashe County.

Orange County Records, Volume XI, Deed Books 6 & 7, p. 57. p. 444, 24 September 1796 George Charles of Orange to Conrod Farmer of same, eighty pounds, 150 acres on waters of Haw R. S side North Carolina to Jesse Phillips 9 November 1784, begin at a stake on Jacob Ball’s [?] line, S 45 ch. to a post oak, W 41 ch. to a post oak, N 26 ch. to 3 white oaks on side of Dry Dr., down meanders to a black oak, N 13 ch. to a stake, E 25 ch. to first station; signed: “something in dutch”; witness: Lannad Farmer, Jacob Cable; proved February Term 1798 by Leonard Carlton “a subscribing witness”, Delivd. Saml. James.

and p. 73, p. 84, 1 May 1798, Michael Charles of Orange to Samuel James of same, fifty pounds, 123 acres, on W side of Haw R., begin at a white oak on bank of river, S14W 46 ch. to a black jack, S 10 ch. to a post oak, E 13 ch. to 3 white oaks on Dog Cr., down creek 17 ch. to a black oak, N 35 ch. to a hicory on Haw R., up meanders to beginning; signed: Michael Charles; witness: William Ray, Martin Seley [?]; proved May Term 1798 by Ray, delvd. Saml James.

Orange County Records, Volume XII, Deed Books 8 & 9. p. 12, p. 79, 26 October 1796, Samuel James of Orange to George Charles of same, eighty pounds, 300 acres, on waters of Dry Cr. & Little Allamance, begin at a poplar at a spring of creek, S 17 ch. to a red oak, E 27 ch to a black jack, N 5 ch. to a black jack, E 10 ch. to a red oak on a hillside near a head branch of Little Allamance, N crossing creek 48 ch. to a red oak, W 50 ch. to Dry Cr., up meanders to beginning, North Carolina to James; signed: Saml. (X) James; witness: Wm. Rainey, Benj. Rainey; proved May Term 1799 by William Rainey, delivd. Wm. Rainey.

and p. 33 p. 217, 11 March 1799, North Carolina to Robert McCulloh [no residence given], fifty shillings per hundred acres, 570 acres, begin at a black oak a cor. of Samuel James….

and p. 54 p. 339, 11 March 1799, North Carolina to George Holt [no residence given], fifty shillings per hundred acres, 350 acres, on S side of Haw R., includes George’s improvements, adjoins Jacob Holt & Samuel James….

and p. 106. p. 256, 11 August 1801, Samuel James of Orange to Abner James of same, one hundred pounds, 120 3/4 acres, on W side of Haw R., begin at a white on bank of river, S14W 46 ch. to a black jack, S 10 ch. to a post oak, E 13 ch. to 3 white oaks on Dry Cr., down creek 17 ch. to a black oak, N 35 ch. to a hicory on Haw R., up same to beginning; signed: Samuel James; witness; Conrod Famer, Aneil Melton; acknowledged August Term 1801 delivd. Aniel Melton.

Deed Book 9, P. 296-297. 1799. This Indenture made this twenty ninth day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine between George Clark of the one part and Ancil Melton of the other part being both of the County of Orange and state of North Carolina. …on the waters of Dry Creek and the little Allemance;…. In witness where of the said George Clark hath unto set his hand and Seal the day and year first above Written. Signed Sealed and Delivered in presents of us Samuel James, Conrad Farmer. George Clark (SEAL)

Orange County August Term 1801 The Execution of the within Deed was duly proved in open Court by the oath of Samuel James a subscribing witness there to and ordered to be Registered. TEST Jno. Taylor CC

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