Orange County Estate Records

Folder 1754.144 Charles

State of North Carolina


List of Notes at Intestates death

Page 1 (Note to pound shilling pence)

John Gunn 6 17 1

Benjamin Ryke 10

Peter Cruver desperate 3 10

John Gunn 20

Phillip Isley 17 10

John Charles 6 5

James Nelson 2 7 6

James Nelson 3 9

Elisha Willis 4 5 6

Joel Tuttle 1 5 4

Phillip Isley 5 11 1

Frederick Lee & Jas. Nelson 1 8 11

Dury Coley 5 0 6

Adam Phifer 5 4 4

James Epex 23 13 1

Frederick Lee & Jas. Nelson 2

Daniel May 3 6

Conrod Havour 12

Zachery Phillips 1 4 1

Phillips & Hanley 10 12

William ? 1 11 1

Phillip Mason 4 16

Preddle & Cruver 3 10

John Cable 12

Jacob Whilsell 11 1

Widow Byrnes 2 13 10

Total 150 8 5


Cash at Intestates death 22 16 2

Intestates Book accounts

Daniel May ? Account 5

John Galbrath open account 1 4 1

Several small Book accounts not

settled and not likely to be collected

May Court A.D. 1813 /s/ Michael Holt

/s/ ?

page 2

To cash in hand at Intestates death 22 16 2

To amount notes Intestates death 150 8 5

To amont of sales 125 17 7

To amount of Book debts 14 1 2

Total 313 3 4


Michael Charles had six children


By paying notes & accounts owing by the Intestate

& court charges & expenses of the sale 108 7 4

By commissions on collection of ? 15 13

By commissions on disbursements ? 7 16 6

131 16 10

By amount remaining due Heirs 181 6 6


By paying James Epex in right of wife 30 4 5

By do Adam Phifer – do 30 4 5

By do John Gunn – do 30 4 5

By Do George Charles 30 4 5

By Do owing to the Heirs of & children of

Sarah James – decd 30 4 5

May 1815 181 6 6

Executed Michael Holt Administrator


page 3 Inventory of the notes & book accounts

due the estate of Michael Charles in hands

of his administrators Michael Holt & James Essex

One note on Peter Brewer 1

Henry Strader 9 4 1/2

James Strader 9 15

Frederick Leweas 3 15

John Leweas 3 15

James Nelson 2

Lewis Shepperd 1 10

The following owe book accounts

Counsel Tiev 17 6

James Essex 1 19

David Michael 2 11 3

Jacob Leweas 1 19

John Gun 5 5

George Osburn 3 7 6

Adam Whitesale 1 10 1/2

Barbary Pipperson 2

Dan Pipperson 2 6

John Megakke 1

Michael Charles 1 6

A true inventory as stated above James Essex

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